타우랑가의 웰컴 커뮤니티 소식 - 시크 축제(7월21일) 등

편집자 0 2,957 2018.07.05 14:53

Turban Up Tauranga!  -  7월21일 토요일 

타우랑가의 시크( Sikh) 커뮤니티 주최 이벤트 

타우랑가 시티센터 스트랜드( the Strand)에서 오전 11시30분부터 2시30분까지.

 Come down and give them your support and share the promo with your organisations and networks.  This event is funded by the Tauranga City Council community match fund.  

Ever wondered why Sikhs wear turbans? Come down and get one tied yourself and find out more about our community, get to know us over some traditional tea, snacks and entertainment.  This is an interactive community event to share our culture with you”



Community Migrant Expo (뉴질랜드 이민 엑스포) 9월30일  

- Register your interest in having a stall site

Migrant Expos have been held in Auckland for several years (http://www.anzmigrantexpo.co.nz/ ). 

They have become annual opportunities to showcase products, services, organisations and other offerings for newcomers in general and migrants in particular to better connect them with what’s available in the community.   The primary focus is on showcasing products, services and information from a wide range of commercial, civic, regulatory, emergency, social, sporting and other community organisations. 


타우랑가에서도 최초로 '이민자 커뮤니티 엑스포"가  9월 30일 일요일에 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지에서 열리게 됩니다. 참가희망 단체, 업체는  Sarah.Swan@tauranga.govt.nz 에게 연락하면 됩니다. 

Successful Te Puke Migrant Women’s Luncheon held

: https://www.westernbay.govt.nz/our-council/news/Pages/Women%E2%80%99s-luncheon-welcomes-Te-Puke-newcomers.aspx 

Civil Defence Diverse Responses Seminar

   - 지난 주에 저도 다녀왔습니다. 

Last week Civil Defence Emergency Management held an informative seminar which brought representatives of the local Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Pasifica and Korean communities to present to staff from across the Bay of Plenty about their communities.  The seminar aimed to help Civil Defence to work alongside migrant communities to support successful engagement and appropriate responses.  They also shared information about the Bay of Plenty Interpreting Service and Shakti.  Thanks to Multicultural Tauranga for supporting in connecting community members to present as this forum.   

For information about this please contact Angela Reade:  angela.reade@embop.govt.nz

Haidee Kalirai | Community Development Advisor, Welcoming Communities 

Tauranga City Council | 07 577 7000 | mobile 0272803341|

 haidee.kalirai@tauranga.govt.nz | www.tauranga.govt.nz

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