2010년 2-3월, 베이 오브 플렌티 키위 페스티벌 열려

편집자 0 2,414 2012.09.11 09:17
뉴질랜드 베이 오브 플렌티(Bay of Plenty), 타우랑가는 뉴질랜드에서 가장 활력 넘치고, 생산적이며, 문화적으로 다양한 지역입니다.  

우리 지역 기업체, 가족들이 2010년 2월-3월에 총 9일간의 환상적인, 신나는 축제를 벌이게 됩니다.

2010 Events Calendar:  "2010년 축제 일정"

• Iron Kid Triathlon - Friday 26 February
A fun event at Maxwell’s Beach, Tauranga, promoting healthy activities – Swim, Cycle, Run especially for years 3 – 8 school students and organized by Sport Bay of Plenty. For more details phone 07 578 0016
or go to www.sportbop.co.nz

• The ZESPRI Industry Challenge - Friday 26 February
Come and watch the ZESPRI Industry Challenge at Centennial Park, Te Puke 1–4 pm. As a way for the kiwifruit industry to come together and celebrate the coming season; teams battle it out for the coveted ‘ZESPRI Trophy’ in a top town style event. Many of the post harvest facilities, industry bodies, and the Port of Tauranga and ZESPRI will come together for this wonderful celebration day.

• The Grand Banquet- Friday 26 February
A very special evening at the Sebel Trinty Wharf, Tauranga to raise funds and support the Child Cancer Foundation. Guests dine on culinary creations by the Bay’s top chefs lead by Sebel’s Executive Chef, Daniel Simpson. The very best regional produce from the land and sea matched with fine wines and with entertainment by singers from “Off Broadway.” For more information phone Warren on 07 579 4141 or email wkeenan@childcancer.org.nz

• Kaimoana Festival - Saturday 27 February
A special Maketu Rotary event. A wonderful opportunity to taste food from the sea and enjoy other local produce while relaxing and sipping on great beverages, listening to cool music and entertainment…..all beside the beach at Maketu. For more information go to www.MaketuNZ.com

• Multicultural Fun Football - Saturday 27 February
Five a side teams compete in a soccer tournament at Fergusson Park, Tauranga. Get your team together for a great days fun. Coordinated by Waikato/BOP Football. For further details contact Football Development Officer, Peter Smith: mobile 027 583 0883 or email: peter.s@waibopfootball.co.nz

• The Kiwi Express Steam Train - Sunday 28 February
A magnificent 50 year old iron horse lovingly restored. A unique opportunity to take return trips from Mt Maunganui to Te Puke then a short walk to Jubilee Park to enjoy all the fun at the Kiwi's Can Flky - Fiesta in the Park. The steam train shuttle will operate five return trips commencing at 10 am. For more information call Kiwi 360 on 07 573 6340 

• Kiwi’s Can Fly - Fiesta in the Park - Sunday 28 February 
A fun filled day for all the family from 10 am till 3 pm at Jubilee Park, Te Puke, “The Kiwifruit Capital of the World”. A celebration of our diverse community interests, activities, history and creative talents, including displays, food and music. Come and be part of some kiwifruit inspired Guinness World Record attempts including “Kiwi Crush” and “Kiwi’s Can fly”. More information coming soon on www.tepuke.co.nz or phone Focus Te Puke, 07 573 677

• Have a Go Golf - Monday 1 March
A great opportunity to experience the joy of the game and develop golf skills – especially for school students and parents. Held at the Te Puke Golf Club from 4 pm, optional golf lessons and play some holes. Then, join the Club Pro and member instructors for a sausage sizzle. Be in the Lucky Draw for some great prizes. Organized by Sport BOP in partnership with Golf Te Puke. For more information go to www.sportbop.co.nz or phone the Club Pro. Shop 07 533 1832

• The Sebel 100 Mile Menu - Monday to Friday 1-5 March
Enjoy a two course set lunch sourced inspired by the bountiful food available in the Bay of Plenty and created for your indulgence and pleasure by chefs’ at the Sebel Trinity Wharf, Tauranga . For more information and bookings phone 07 577 8700.

• Creative Kiwi’s Art Exhibition - Monday to Saturday 1-6 March
The theme of this fabulous exhibition is ‘A Celebration of Lifestyles in the Bay of Plenty. Art of all genres will be on display from several community arts groups within the sub region. Each art group will select 7 works from their entries to make up 49 pieces for display and purchase. The show will then be judged and awards presented for three different categories: Best Interpretation of Theme, Best of Show, Highly Commended. For further information contact John Beech, Creative Tauranga, phone 07 928 5270 or email john@creativetauranga.org.nz

• Horticulture Awards - Tuesday 2 March
Join an evening at Bay Park to award and acknowledge the achievements of horticulture students from Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, from Massey and Lincoln Universities, Fruition Horticulture and from the Horticulture Industry training Organisation. Details to be confirm!ed later this year. For more information refer to www.nzkgi.org.nz

• The Comvita Natural Products Symposium - Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 March
Bringing together invited speakers and leading experts in the field to discuss the important role that food and natural products play in maintaining human health. Details to be announced later in the year. For more information contact Comvita, www.comvita.com

• One Base Fishing Competition - 2 - 6 March
Enjoy the excitement of fishing for Marlin (including tag and release) Shark, Tuna, Kingfish and Snapper. 
Briefing Tuesday evening 2 March and fishing from Wednesday 3 to Saturday 6 March with daily weigh ins. For more information phone 07 578 6203 or email grant@tgfc.co.nz or go to www.tgfc.co.nz

• Industry Skills & Careers - Wednesday 3 March
Come along to Bay Park from 9 am till 3 pm to the Kiwifruit Industry Skills & Careers Day. In association with Horticulture New Zealand, Ice Line, Cool Careers in Horticulture, Priority One INSTEP, the Horticulture Industry Training Organisation, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, Massey and Lincoln Universities, Fruition Horticulture, the Te Puke and Katikati Fruitgrowers’ Associations, New Zealand Avocado Growers’ Association and the New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated. This day offers to inform and educate the industry’s future talent while seeing the Young Fruit Growers of the Year, 2010 show their skills in this year’s Competition.

Then ….join in the evening from 6 -10 pm the Young Fruit Grower of the Year Awards Evening will see the winners announced and congratulated. For more information on either of these events refer to; www.nzkgi.org.nz

• The LipStick Lunch - Thursday 4 March
Held at Kiwi 360, in a courtyard under kiwifruit vines and on a balcony overlooking park like gardens. Join this celebration for women – great food, wine, music, fashion, cosmetics and good conversation..the things ladies like. Come with your friends and have a wonderful afternoon from 12 noon till 3 00 pm. Call Kiwi 360 on 07 573 6340 for more information

• Kiwi Festival Golf - Thursday 4 March
Business house tournament for keen golfers to enjoy a great day at Te Puke Golf Club, organized by Golf Te Puke. For more information and bookings call the Pro. Shop, 07 533 1832 or email golf@golftepuke.co.nz

• Capoeira Brasil & Latino Workshop - Thursday 4 March
An exciting evening of dance, music, vocals and martial arts. Capoeira develops the mastery of ones mind as well as one’s creativity. Come along at 6 00 pm to this great workshop. For more information contact Tilio Costa, email capoeirabrasil_nz@hotmail.com or go to www.capoeirabrasil.co.nz

• Quadathlon - Friday 5 March
Years 7 and 8 school students gather at Pilot Bay, Mt. Maunganui for a day of healthy active sports – Swim, Kayak, Cycle and Run – organized by Sport Bay of Plenty. For more information phone 07 578 0016 or go to www.sportbop.co.nz

• The Kiwi Express Coastal Tour - Saturday 6 March
All aboard at 10 am in Mt. Maunganui. The 1950 built and restored J Class monster engine thunders down the track via Te Puke to Kiwi 360 for photo opportunities and then bursts onto the coastline with its white sand beaches fringed by Pohutukawa tree’d cliffs. A truly wonderful day excursion, returning to Mt. Maunganui by 4 pm. Call Kiwi 360 on 07 573 5340 for more details.

• Multicultural Festival - Saturday 6 March
A celebration and showcase of Tauranga’s diverse cultures, costumes, food and crafts. A great day for the whole family from 10 am at the Historic Village, 17th Avenue. Proudly brought to you by the Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council. For more information phone 07 5716 419 or www.ethnictauranga.org

• Mardi Gras - Saturday 6 March
A celebration of global music, arts and culture right here in Tauranga. This is the place to be if you want to experience the widest spectrum of entertainment, food and non stop excitement. Mardi gras is the closing highlight event of Kiwi festival 2010. Get dressed up in a crazy costume and be part of the fun. 

자세한 행사 일정 보기는 웹사이트  www.kiwifestival.co.nz
