타우랑가 Youth Philharmonic Tauranga 무료 공연

편집자 0 830 2021.05.31 10:58

타우랑가 The Youth Philharmonic Tauranga  무료 공연

날짜: 6월 12일 오후4시부터 

공연장소 : St Peters in the City 교회 (주소: 130 Spring St, Tauranga) 

The Youth Philharmonic Tauranga will present to you their first concert in 2021.

Conducted by Justus Rozemond (also conductor of BOP Symphonia), the YPT will take you through an orchestral music journey through the Classical, the Romantic to the 20th Century. Works will include Mozart's Nozze di Figaro, Brahms' Academic Overture, Tchaikovsky's Finale from Symphony No.5 and Gregson William's Wonder Woman.


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