뉴질랜드 타우랑가에서 유학하며 얻은 최고 결실은 (서울대 장윤정 학생)

편집자 0 956 2021.07.22 10:08

뉴질랜드 타우랑가에서 유학을 마치고  전세계 여러 대학에서 공부중이거나, 또는 벌써 대학 졸업 뒤 사회 생활하고 있는 우리 타우랑가유학원 소속 동문 학생들의 유학 경험담을 모아보고 있습니다.


에듀케이션 뉴질랜드(뉴질랜드 교육청), 그리고 에듀케이션 타우랑가에 이미 여러 유학 성공기가 많이 소개되어 있습니다.


이번에는 타우랑가유학원 동문 학생들이 말하는 타우랑가 유학의 장점, 그리고 유학 뒤에 느낀 

뉴질랜드 교육의 매력 등을 원문 그대로 연재해보겠습니다.  (물론 한글로 번역도 해볼께요)   


첫번째 기고문은  타우랑가의 그린파크 초등학교, 타우랑가 인터미디어트 학교, 타우랑가 걸스 컬리지를 졸업한 뒤에  현재 서울대학교에서 공부하고 있는 장윤정 학생이 보내준 글입니다. 

My school life in Tauranga, New Zealand

Jessie Chang (장윤정)


Like it would be for many students studying abroad, my first arrival in Tauranga was mainly the result of my parents’ decision. I was seven years old then, barely knew my ABCs, and had never experienced cultural diversity before. I had no idea what my changed environment would bring, but all thanks to my naivety, I fearlessly embraced all the opportunities that came to me, and soon found myself in love with my new hometown.


School was one of the main reasons I came to love this new city. It did not take long for me to realise that what I appreciated the most was the way in which our teachers valued every single one of us. Education was not given as much of the competitive aspect as it had in my previous home country. Our teachers’ attitudes made it clear that their aim was not to support only the “best” students but to bring out the best in every single one of us. I would frequently spot teachers sitting next to students who were struggling on a certain concept and would not get up from their side until they were certain that the student had fully understood. This atmosphere of supportive education helped me realise that learning was not just about competing, but rather about comprehending. This understanding has guided me throughout all my studies, until I graduated college. After competition was removed, studying in Tauranga gave us students a reason to search for a greater purpose for our studies.


Studying in Tauranga gave me the opportunity to think carefully about what I wanted to achieve in the future. By breaking the conception that education sought to make us identify each other as competitors, it instead allowed me to seek ways to use my studies to benefit everyone. Once I had found a purpose for my education, it allowed me to enjoy learning as a whole, as it became clear what I was striving for.


Furthermore, the highly diverse learning environment helped me develop cross-cultural skills. No matter where I was, I was frequently given the opportunity to interact and learn with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. This not only helped to widen my own perspective, but also caused me to fully appreciate working in a diverse environment as I came to understand that it was more effective at bringing valuable ideas and solutions than a uniform environment would be. Therefore, the learning atmosphere in Tauranga was well-suited for students to develop into competent global citizens who could work towards the common good.


I have now spent more than 10 years growing up in Tauranga. Today, I can say with confidence that I will forever be grateful for my obedience towards my parents’ decision that first day we moved. Studying in Tauranga has undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping my values and desires today. It allowed me to discover a bigger purpose for my studies, helped me grow into a global citizen, and made me eager to give back to my community.


-  Jessie Chang (장윤정) 


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