호주 체류 유학생들, 4월19일부터 뉴질랜드 학생비자 신청 가능

편집자 0 1,024 2021.04.13 08:23

뉴질랜드 이민성은 호주에 거주 중인 사람(유학생 등)은 4월 18일 자정부터 뉴질랜드 학생비자 등을 신청할 수 있다고 밝혔다.  


(방문,여행객들은 기존처럼 NZeTA전자비자를 온라인으로 구입)


4월19일부터 뉴질랜드와 호주는 격리가 필요없는 자유여행(트래블 버블)이 시작된다. 

여행객들은 양국 입국전에 코비드19 검사증도 필요하지 않다. 


이에 따라 호주에서 공부중인 유학생들도 4월 18일 자정 이후부터 뉴질랜드 이민성에 학생비자를 신청할 수 있게 된다 .


앞으로 한국 등 코비드19로부터 안전한 아시안 국가들도 뉴질랜드와 무격리 자유여행 협약(트래블 버블)을 체결하고, 우리 국내의 학생들이 뉴질랜드로 입국하는 날이 오기를 기대해본다.



<아래는 뉴질랜드 이민성 발표 내용.

This is the INZ updating about international students being able to travel from Australia.


INZ has been receiving a number of queries from providers regarding the upcoming quarantine-free travel from Australia which commences at 11.59PM on Sunday, 18 April 2021.

Quarantine-free travel (QFT) allows more movement to New Zealand from Australia. Travellers coming from Australia will not be required to enter managed isolation or quarantine on arrival in New Zealand.



To be eligible for quarantine-free travel, travellers must:

· meet immigration requirements (more information below)

· have been the same quarantine-free travel zone for at least 14 days

· not had a positive COVID-19 test result, or, for those who tested positive, have written advice from a health practitioner declaring that they are no longer infectious

· not be awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test

Australian and New Zealand citizens may travel between Australia and New Zealand.

All others must apply for a visa or NZeTA as required.




Border rules can change quickly. Travellers must prepare for disruption to their plans. Should there be an outbreak in either country, the QFT may be paused or suspended.



Immigration requirements

Can international students who are in Australia apply for student visas to study in New Zealand?


Yes. Once QFT commences, the visa system will revert back to pre-COVID visa or visa-waiver requirements for all travellers who are travelling from the Safe Travel Zone. This only happens on the date QFT goes live, so potential students who are based in Australia cannot apply for a student visa now, but will be able to do so once QFT begins at 11.59PM on Sunday, 18 April 2021.



Visa required nationals based in Australia


· From 11:59PM Sunday 18 April 2021, most visas will be eligible to be applied for from Australia. This includes work, student, visitor and uncapped Working Holiday Schemes (WHS). A border exception is not required.


· The system will be able to recognise that the person is applying from Australia and that Australia is a Safe Travel Zone (the suspension of offshore visa processing remains in force for international students who are not in a Safe Travel Zone)


· Any visa granted for a person in Australia will only work between Australia and New Zealand under the QFT rules. If that person leaves Australia or New Zealand they will be subject to the Border Restrictions and will need a border exception to re-enter New Zealand.



Visa-waiver nationals based in Australia 

(호주에 살고 있는 한국인 경우, 뉴질랜드 입국시 NZeTA전자 비자를 받아 비격리 입국가능함)

· If a person was eligible to travel visa-waiver pre-COVID then they can now do so once again, and are eligible to apply for an NZeTA.

· Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents may travel visa-waiver and receive a resident visa on arrival.



호주에 체류하고 있는 유학생들의 뉴질랜드 입국 조건

기존의 학생비자 신청 조건과 같음 (코비드10 이전과 동일) 

1년간 1인당 생활비 증명서 (연간 NZ $15000 이상의 잔고 증명)


(예: 일본 유학생이 호주에서 2년간 고등학교를 다니고, 뉴질랜드 대학에 입학하기 원할 경우

- 4월18일 자정 이후에 뉴질랜드 이민성에 학생비자 신청 가능.)


International students currently in Australia who may wish to study in New Zealand

· If a prospective student is in Australia, and meets the requirements for QFT then they are able to apply for a student visa to study in New Zealand when the QFT commences (11.59PM Sunday 18 April).


They will need to meet the usual immigration requirements. The funds requirement remains $15,000 per annum at this stage (pro-rata for shorter programmes under 36 weeks).


Scenario example: an international student from Japan has been studying secondary school in Australia for the last two years and wishes to undertake tertiary study in New Zealand. They do not require a border exception. They may apply for a student visa from 11.59m Sunday 18 April.

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