뉴질랜드 BOP지역 칼리지 수학 경시 - 타우랑가 걸스 칼리지 종합우승

편집자 0 2,415 2012.10.11 07:39
뉴질랜드 타우랑가에선 여러 칼리지 학교에 재학중인 한국 학생들의 놀라운 수학 성적이 화제가 되곤 합니다. 타우랑가 걸스 칼리지에서 유학중인 민정, 현아양이 수학 경시대회에 참가해 준우승 했다는 뉴스가 지역 신문에 크게 보도 되었습니다.
민정양이 답안지를 들고 심사위원들한테 달려가는 사진입니다.
아래는 시험 문제입니다.
45분안에 20문제를 풀어야 됩니다. 문제는 단시간에 풀어야 되는 것과 아래와 같은 난이도 있는 사고력 문제도 주어집니다. (답은 맨 아래에 있습니다~)
신민정과 추현아 등 총 4명이 한팀을 이뤄 이 수학 경시대회에 참가해서 준우승을 수상했고요.
전 학년에 걸친 수학 경시대회 종합 우승(The Eastern Bay of Plenty Cup)은 타우랑가 걸스 칼리지가 차지했습니다.
Year9 부분에서 오투모에타이 칼리지가 우승했고, 타우랑가 걸스 칼리지가 준우승을 거뒀습니다.
Year10 부문에서는 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 1위, 로토루아의 존 폴 칼리지 2위, 타우랑가 걸스칼리지 3위.
-----아래는 베이 오브 플렌티 타임즈 신문 기사 원본 ---

Sharp, young minds in MathsMind competition

피노나치 수열을 아시나요? 또는 분수의 곱셈과 나눗셈을 할 수 있나요?
Do you know the Fibonnaci sequence? Or how to multiply and divide fractions?
These questions and more were easily answered by hundreds of Year 9 and 10 students who took part in the annual Bay of Plenty MathsMind competition yesterday.
The atmosphere inside the hall at Tauranga Girls' College was electric as students, in teams of four, rushed to answer 20 questions in 45 minutes. Some questions were problem-solvers, others were quick-fire calculations. Some were easy, others were difficult.
Students from more than 20 schools, from Whakatane to Taupo, Rotorua to Katikati and everywhere in between, took part in the regional competition.
The Year 9 competition was a tough battle among three teams - Tauranga Girls' College, Otumoetai College and Papamoa College.
Midway through the competition, a Tauranga Girls' College team was ahead as Mina Shin ran the answers to the judging table.
Otumoetai College picked up the pace and raced through the remaining four questions and won the overall Year 9 competition with more than 16 minutes to spare.
In the end, Tauranga Girls' College placed second and Papamoa College placed third.
The Year 10 challenge was won by Tauranga Boys' College, followed by John Paul College then Tauranga Girls' College.
The Eastern Bay of Plenty Cup was awarded to Whakatane High School, the award for the top school under 1000 pupils went to Bethlehem College and the top overall school went to Tauranga Girls' College.
Lewis Hockings, head of Mathematics at Tauranga Girls' College, said the questions were too easy as the students were "chewing through them".
"These are the top students so they're very intelligent," he said.
The competition was popular with students and was a highlighted event on the mathematics curriculum calendar.
The chairman of the Maths Association, Andrew Ferguson, said it was great having the scores updated on the wall as it informed participants and supporters how teams were going.
"Last year [the teams] didn't know until the end but this makes things more exciting. [Having the scores visible] was a great idea and it worked really well," he said.
The annual competition is organised by Bay of Plenty Mathematics Association, with the host school. It began more than 30 years ago as a way to make maths fun for students.
Similar competitions are held in regions across the country.

