미국 우주 캠프에 참가하는 카티카티 칼리지 소녀

편집자 0 2,349 2012.10.15 10:34
뉴질랜드 작은 시골의 여학생이 미국 우주 캠프에 참가하게 돼 화제가 되고 있다.
타우랑가 인근 카티카티 칼리지(Katikati Collge)에 재학 중인
토비 핸디는 올 7월 미국 앨러배마에서 열리는 세계 우주 캠프에 참가하는 뉴질랜드 2명의 학생 중 한명으로 선정됐다.
카티카티 칼리지 Year12 학생으로 올해 15살인 토비는 과학 부문에 흥미가 많았고 2058B64E4DC2F5F30FC57C우주에 관한 연구가 인류에게 매우 중요하다고 생각한다.
그녀는 타우랑가 천문학 클럽(Tauranga Astronomy Club)의 회원이기도 하며, 자신의 용돈을 모아 별 관측을 위한 천체 망원경을 구입하기도 했다.
토비는 과학과 영어 과목에서 특히 뛰어난 성적을 보이고 있고, 선생님들의 추천과 권유로 한달전에 참가 신청서를 미국에 보냈었다.
7월 미국 앨러배머에서 8일간의 일정으로 열리는 세계 우주 캠프에 오타고 걸스 칼리지의 리사 크로와 함께 다녀오게 된다.
뉴질랜드 과학기술부 기금을 받아 로얄 소사이티 오브 뉴질랜드에서 등록비 및 해외 여행비로 시상하게 되는 '우수 학생들 위한 해외 여행 상'으로 여행 경비를 마련하게 된다.
Toby Hendy, from Katikati College is one of two students selected from New Zealand by the Royal Society of New Zealand to attend the USA International Space Camp.

The 15-year-old is excited to have been selected. "She says she has a huge interest in the field of science and believes that the study of astronomy and space are very important to humanity.

"Space is the final frontier for humans and one of the only things still a mystery."

Toby is in Year 12 and a member of the Tauranga Astronomy Club. She saved up her money so she could buy her own telescope to star gaze.

An email from her biology teacher Nicola Wynne about the space science camps sparked her interest. With excellent NCEA results, particularly in science and English, along with the help of the college's head of science Matt Kindley, Toby sent off her application along with her CV just over a month ago.

"I had no idea whether I would get in, but I was hoping," she says.

Toby will join Lisa Craw from Otago Girls' High School on the eight-day International Space Camp in July.

Both will be supported by the Talented School Students Travel Award which is funded by the Ministry of Science & Innovation and administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand for her registration and international travel costs.

During their time at ISC they will be joined by over 150 like-minded students from 23 different countries.
They will be immersed in a programme that is designed to promote space science and exploration. Activities include hands-on astronaut training, as well as learning about the mental, emotional and physical demands astronauts must face. The trainees are also involved in leadership training and will experience scuba diving and four Gs of lift-off force and weightlessness in the Space simulator.

The students going from New Zealand to the USA International Space Camp are among 33 students from around New Zealand in Year 12 and 13 who have been selected by the Royal Society of New Zealand to attend international science and technology events around the world.

Other events which students will be attending are the Biofutures Forum in Brisbane, the London International Youth Science Forum, the Professor Harry Messels Science School, Sydney, the Youth ANZAAS conference in Brisbane and the fourth APEC Youth Science Forum in Thailand

