타우랑가 유스 필하모닉 오케스트라 등록 안내

편집자 0 3,270 2016.09.23 09:45


"타우랑가 유스 오케스트라(YPT)  워크숍 등록 안내 


Last day to register for YPT workshop

You have just over 24 hours left to register for the YPT launch workshop. 

Check the website www.ypt.co.nz  for registration details.
여기 웹사이트에 등록 가능합니다 

We have 36 registrations so far, and a few more to be expected, so it should be a real orchestra!

Session times are confirmed as follows;
Saturday 8 October (St Peters in the City, Spring Street)
9:30 welcome
10am start
5pm finish

Sunday 9 October (main hall of Historic Village, 17th Avenue)
10am start
4pm informal concert. Everybody is welcome (but may need to stand. It'll be around 30 mins max) 
4:30 finish

Hope to see you all there!


Justus Rozemond
Music Director Youth Philharmonic Tauranga
E-mail: info@ypt.co.nz
web-site: www.ypt.co.nz
